Friday, October 11, 2013

SHARKS!!!!! (Teeth)

This, dear readers will be a two day blog post.....

October 6th,

We woke up and set off for Solomon's Island but there was a cool beach on the way so .......
We went to look for sharks teeth. And I know what you're thinking.... How will they find sharks teeth? 

Well this is,what I say to that.......

Boom that just happened!!!!!

October 7th,

Rain, Lots of rain ;(  But we can't complain, it's the first day of rain after thirty days of sunshine. And it was supposed to start in the afternoon , but came early and with nothing else to do we went to a museum by dingy (FREEZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!). We saw otters and fish and jelly fish, oh my! Then we went to West Marine, which is apperantly our favorite store because we spend like an hour and a half buying tubes, crab traps and much more!! The museum was Awesome! The we had pizza for dinner and went to bed.

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